Market Profile (Titan_Market_Profile)

Market Profile (Titan_Market_Profile)

Indicator Overview

Clearly see which price levels were prevalent during Asian, European, and US market hours

The Market Profile indicator displays on 15-minute, 30-minute, and 1-hour charts, allowing you to see which price levels were most frequented throughout the day.

The day is divided into three colored segments, showing at a glance the price levels traded during each market session.

The three segments are colored according to MT4 and MT5 times: 0:00-10:00 for Asia-Oceania hours, 10:00-15:00 for European hours, and 15:00-0:00 for US hours.

Additionally, lines extending to the left indicate the mode of the data.

【Display of Market Profile】 Display of Market Profile

Possible directional clarity after breaking ranges prevalent during Asian and European hours

If trading is concentrated within a certain range during Asian or European hours, a firm break out of this range during US hours could trigger significant price movements involving stop losses.

【Example of breaking out of ranges traded during Asian and European hours in US hours】 Example of breaking out of ranges traded during Asian and European hours in US hours

High-frequency levels attract attention

Price levels that had high frequency the previous day are likely to be monitored the next day, potentially serving as support or resistance.

Keeping an eye on these levels can be advantageous for short-term trading.

【Example where the previous day's most frequent level acted as resistance twice the following day】 Example where the previous day's most frequent level acted as resistance twice the following day

Note: This indicator is only functional on TitanFX's Windows version of MT5 and MT4.

Indicator Terms of Use

Only those who agree to all the following items may use the indicators distributed on this website (

1.The indicators and related descriptions are based on various data believed to be reliable, but their accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed.

2.The data displayed by the indicators do not guarantee your investment results. Also, the displayed content may vary due to market conditions and communication environments.

3.Please make investment decisions using indicators at your own risk. We are not responsible for any disadvantages or damages arising from the use of indicators.

4.Specifications of the indicators are subject to change without notice. Changes will be announced on the indicator description pages, etc.

5.Indicators should only be used by customers who have downloaded them. Transferring or selling the indicators to third parties is prohibited.

Indicator Settings

Inputs (for MT5) and Parameter Entry (for MT4) Tab Settings

Variable NameDescriptionDefault
Display the latest daySpecifies whether to display data for the current day. 'true' to display, 'false' to not display.true
Specify the final dayIf 'false' is selected for the above latest display, specifies the last day to be displayed.Previous day
Display DaysSpecifies how many days prior to the reference day to display.5
ColorSpecifies the colors for Oceania/Asia time, European time, and US time.Asia: Aqua, Europe: Lime, US: Magenta
Mode colorSpecifies the color for the line indicating the mode.Yellow

Colors (for MT5) and Color Settings (for MT4) Tab Settings

--Not used