How to Toggle the Chart Shift in MT5 (Windows)

MT5 charts feature a chart shift function.

The chart shift function creates a small space on the right edge of the chart to facilitate analysis.

How to Use the Chart Shift Function

Toggling the Chart Shift On and Off

You can toggle the chart shift function on and off primarily in the following three ways:

① Toggle from Toolbar

Clicking the chart shift icon on the toolbar toggles the function on and off.

② Right-Click on the Chart to Toggle

Right-click on the chart, and click 'Chart Shift' from the menu that appears to toggle the shift on and off.

③ Toggle from the Menu

Click 'Chart Shift' within the 'Chart' menu in MT5 to toggle the chart shift on and off.

Adjusting the Width of the Space

Place the cursor on the triangle at the top left of the space and drag left or right to adjust the width of the space.